the hands show the way of the heart


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May 16, 2011

Em macau começámos por descobrir a Praça do Real Senado, passámos pelas Ruínas de São Paulo, explorámos todo o centro e terminámos no A-ma Temple. Quando chegámos o templo já estava fechado, mas a vista para o lago era incrível.

Ao almoço, sem sabermos muito bem onde comer, acábamos por comprar uma espécie de espetada com bolinhas de carne. A senhora que nos serviu deixou cair a nota com que lhe paguei dentro da água em que as "almondegas" ferviam. E quando, sem querer, deixei cair o prato das espetadas no chão, ela limitou-se a dar-me outras, a passar por água as que tinham caído e voltar a enfiá-las na água quente... Mas, assim é: o que não mata, engorda.

À noite ainda passámos pelo Casino Wynn. Não jogámos, mas observámos. A mim assustou-me estar num lugar onde rola tanto dinheiro e onde as regras são feitas a partir disso... Não gostei.

À hora de voltar para casa, apanhámos um taxi até ao ferry que nos levaria novamente até Hong Kong. O taxista expulsou-nos do taxi extremamente irritado e sem receber a totalidade do pagamento... Acho que nunca vamos entender porquê.
(Esta seria apenas uma das estranhas experiências com taxistas na China.)


In Macao we started to discover the Real Senate Square, passing the ruins of Sao Paulo, explored all of downtown and ended at the A-ma Temple. When we reached the temple it was already closed, but the lake view was incredible.

At lunch, without knowing very well where to eat, we end up buying a kind of kebab with meat balls. The lady who served us has dropped the note that I paid with it into the water in which the "meatballs" boiled. And when I unintentionally dropped the plate of kebabs on the floor, she just gave me another ones, passing through the water the ones that had fallen and shove them into the hot water again ...
But so it is: what does not kill you, makes you stronger.

At night we still went to the Wynn Casino. We did not play, but we observed. To me it it is scaring to be in a place where rolls so much money and where rules are made from this ... I didn't like it.

At the time of returning home, we took a taxi to the ferry that would take us back to Hong Kong. The taxi driver drove us from the taxi extremely angry and without receiving the full payment ... I think we'll ever understand why.
(This was just one of the strangest experiences with taxi drivers in China.)
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